Thursday, 1 November 2012

Installing Japanese input on Ubuntu 12.10

In my last post I wrote about the terminal command that will enable Japanese input in Qt-4 applications, for example Anki, a flash card program for studying languages or basically anything else.
On localizing Japan, a step by step introduction on how to install the IBUS system is laid out, but when I followed it, I had the problem, that the IBUS icon did not show up in the toolbar, so I found a terminal command to fix that:

ibus-daemon -drx

Also, on Ubuntu 12.10, Ibus-qt4 should already be installed by default if you use the software centre to install Japanese input, but it did not work. I uninstalled it using

sudo apt-get remove --purge ibus-qt4

And reinstalled it using:

sudo apt-get install ibus-qt4

Now, Japanese input is working, but we'll see how it goes...

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